Let there be light!
I've always taught radial design to my 6th graders and I wanted a revamp of how I teach it since it can be really beautiful. And also, the classic radial name-design project that I always do seems to be losing its appeal when taught the second time around.
Due to a scheduling glitch at my school, many students are now having a second semester of art. This sounds great IF the student loves art, but hey, we all know that's not always the case for middle schoolers! So, I have been trying to change the lessons I teach as I am having students who've had the other art teacher at our school, or myself, for the second time this year, and are essentially relearning the same material.
So, with the first day of spring and sunshine on my mind, I decided to talk about radial design in Gothic architecture Rose Windows. The beautiful colors and how light comes through them is super inspiring!
My students discussed the advances in the Gothic style throughout Europe and how elements like the tracery made it possible for these beautiful stained glass windows to become even bigger! Students seemed particularly fascinated with the fact that people of the Middle Ages could design and build these incredible cathedrals but how much of the population of peasants and serfs couldn't read! We talked about the Catholic Church's influence on everyday life, and how some of the windows were meant to communicate stories and messages to the illiterate population.
We then talked about the Principle of Design BALANCE and in the case of Rose or Wheel Windows, radial balance. Radial balance has symmetry but is based on a circle, where the repeating element repeats and/or rotates around a center-point, much like the petals of a flower or the spokes on a wheel. Students then created their own Rose window by drawing a design on paper, tracing their design onto transparency film and coloring in with Sharpies.
After hanging these on my class's window and getting a brief glimpse of sunlight coming through, I finally feel like I'm ready for the warmth of Spring!