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Autumn Still Life Drawings

I am somewhat a formalist when it comes to teaching art. I enjoy building my students' observation /technical drawing skills through direct drawing lessons because it really helps develop kids' confidence when they see that they CAN make something look real.

This week 7th graders were working on still life drawings. Luckily it's that time of year when objects like pumpkins, corn, and flowers are fun and motivating for kids to look at as the anticipation for Halloween fills the air!

And if my Fitbit watch is any indication of how much was going on in my classroom this week between finishing plaster letters, a mini-op art lesson, painting, drawing, drawing and more drawing... just today alone I already walked over three miles IN MY CLASSROOM! Oh, and progress reports were due! All I gotta say is T.G.I.F.!

As seventh grade were working on these drawings, my 6th grade were finishing up their "Creepy Portraits" and began Tessellations. My eighth graders were honing their color-mixing skills through painting complex color wheels, but the still life autumn drawings have been the highlight of my week. Check out the latest and greatest works from my middle schoolers!

Creepy Portraits: EMPHASIS

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