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Back to School...

Well the time has finally come. The First-Day-of-School Eve. As I sit here thinking about my own personal goals for this upcoming school year, (some of which include trying to get back to the gym more often and completing a yoga-teacher certification program... I can't wait), I am trying to reflect on the bigger picture of my professional goals too. For me, I want to relax as a teacher. I know that might sound strange because as the year starts there are a million and one things to do, but I want to channel and embrace the fun aspect of my job and to teach my middle level students from the heart. Because I do love art. And I know that not all of them will. But I hope that they can love our time together.

I went into art teaching because I loved the freedom it showed. I love how studying art can enrich your life to experience another culture and develop empathy for other people. I love how you can always find a new challenge by introducing a new material or technique to explore. I love how art forces you to stop and reflect on the beautiful things of this world.

Last week as we were preparing ourselves for another year, my administration gently reminded us that a THIRD of the students at my school have an IEP and reminded us not to forget that the students we serve may have drastically different home lives than what we were accustomed. Not that this is anything new, but yes, it is something to be reminded as I try to reach and teach while minimizing the challenging behaviors.

Bob Ross is my spirit animal

As I set up my room I try to think of ways to make the space inviting, yet practical for my large classes. If you've ever taught middle school, then you know that sometimes getting everyone on board with your subject can be tricky. Lessons need to be super engaging so that they won't completely turn off the self-proclaimed "non-artist," yet be structured enough for your own sanity.

My mantra this year will be positivity. I am going to try something new this year: a "Artist of the Month" where I will highlight a student fro each class who is exhibiting great "artistic qualities" (like perseverance, flexibility, integrity, cooperativeness, etc.) I am hoping this, along with my group-incentives (that I call Palette Points,) are enough for my hormonal and sometimes squirrelly students to enjoy. (Disclaimer: I know many people feel strongly against prizes and incentives to keep student motivated, but all I know is a free sparkly pencil or a smelly sticker seems to go a long way to brighten someone's day- hey, it always works to put me in a better mood too!)

Student Artist of the Month Display

Anyway, as this new year begins, I am trying to wipe the board clear of the past, reflect on the lessons I want to keep, tweak and refine, and look to the new year as a chance to grow myself and my students not as just artists, but as caring human beings. There is too much hate and violence going on in the world and the best place to counter that is with the relationships that we develop with the people around us- our students.

all cleaned and ready to go!

When all is said and done I want the time we spend together to be enjoyable. I want my students to remember that in art there is freedom. Freedom from the mundane. Freedom from bias, from hate, from judgement, from hurt, from all the things that we dislike that kill our spirit. Art is the resulting product of human expression. And that is liberating. You can make this life beautiful. You just have to create your perfect world one action at a time.

Positivity: the practice of being or tendency to be optimistic in attitude!

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