Life as a
Graphic Arts teacher
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
— Nelson Mandela
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and while I believe that is true, I also believe that words can be powerful too.
I try to communicate clearly while explaining objectives and expectations to my class. I find that through the use of questioning techniques, real discussions happen that allow my students to navigate different learning experiences as they share ideas with one another. Students are invested in learning when they are interested.
I frame lessons to catch and maintain student interest by explaining how a topic relates to lives today.
I find ways that my students can relate to the experiences or the feelings that artists have experienced throughout different cultures and history, while still appealing to their interests. I do this through by sharing stories and websites, diverse learning experiences and fostering open, respectful conversations among groups. Displaying a willingness to share information and ideas as an exchange of information brings out the best in my students.
One of my personal strengths is my flexibility. As a teacher, one should adapt the material in a way to meet various needs while still maintaining the intended learning goals. I try to be understanding and responsive to my students' needs and allow their interests to guide and motivate.